The Sunnyvale Rod and Gun Club has formed the Sunnyvale Regulators to provide a Single Action Shooting Society (SASS) event to the club shooting disciplines. The purpose of this event is to allow everyone age 12 and up to participate in shooting the western guns and take on aliases that reflect life from the 1800's. Everyone is encouraged to participate from the brand new shooter to the experienced cowboy. Participants are invited to join the Sunnyvale Rod and Gun Club and to have their cowboy names registered with SASS.
The object is to hit steel targets at ranges from 7 to 50 yards with revolvers, rifles and shotguns.
For more information on SASS and SASS match rules see
Sunnyvale Rod and Gun Club
11998 Stevens Canyon Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
The 3rd Monday night of every month from 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM
Anyone over the age of 12 who may legally possess a firearm
Made up, week to week, using standard SASS stage designs with deviations for interest and novelty by the Sunnyvale Regulators.
All SASS rules apply.
$10.00 per non-member and $5.00 for members.