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Bullseye Pistol

Match results and upcoming Bullseye League events can be found at

Introduction to the League

The bullseye pistol league is intended to be a "fun" type league for individuals of any and all experience levels.

No prior Bullseye shooting experience is required.

Both members and non-members are welcome to join us.

This page briefly summarizes the bullseye league at Sunnyvale Rod and Gun Club. See also these links:


Sunnyvale Rod & Gun Club - Rifle and Pistol Range
11998 Stevens Canyon Road
Cupertino, CA 95014



  • First and Third Wednesday evening of each month
  • 5:45PM - Set up
  • 6:30PM - League start
  • 8:55PM - Last shot fired


Both members and non-members are invited to join the league. No previous experience or classification are required.

Information for New Shooters

  • If you have never fired in the bullseye pistol league, please arrive by 6PM and notify the range master
  • New shooters may shoot .22 caliber for both courses of fire (.22 caliber scores in the center fire portion of the match do not count towards results)
  • New shooters may shoot two-handed (two-handed scores do not count towards results)

Course of Fire

All shooting is done standing, one-handed. The course of fire is a modified 1200 as follows:

22 Rimfire

  • Slow Fire - 2 strings of 10 shots in 10 minutes at 50 yards
  • Timed Fire - 4 strings of 5 shots in 20 seconds each at 25 yards
  • Rapid Fire - 4 strings of 5 shots in 10 seconds each at 25 yards

Center Fire

  • Slow Fire - 2 strings of 10 shots in 10 minutes at 50 yards
  • Timed Fire - 4 strings of 5 shots in 20 seconds each at 25 yards
  • Rapid Fire - 4 strings of 5 shots in 10 seconds each at 25 yards


  • .22 Rimfire: Any safe handgun, revolver or semi-auto, capable of firing 5 shots without reloading
  • Center Fire: Any safe handgun, revolver or semi-auto, .32 through .45ACP caliber, capable of firing 5 shots without reloading. No Magnums.
  • Any sights, except for those that project onto the target, are allowed in both courses of fire


  • Slow Fire - B-6 50-Yard Slow Fire Target
  • Timed - B-8 25-Yard Timed and Rapid Fire Target
  • Rapid - B-8 25-Yard Timed and Rapid Fire Target


  • One alibi allowed per 20-shot match (timed fire or rapid fire match)
  • No alibis allowed during slow fire (clear and keep firing)
  • Alibis will be verified by the RO and fired just prior to scoring a string


  • Scoring will be done at the target line
  • Shooters will pair off to score each others' targets
  • Scorers and shooters will both sign the scorecards


  • SRGC members: $5 per night
  • Non-members: $10 per night


  • January - June: open aggregate league. Awards for first, second, and third places, as well as door prizes, are awarded at the league banquet at the end of the season (typically held in July).
  • July - December: handicap league. Awards for first, second, and third places, as well as door prizes, are awarded at the league banquet at the end of the season (typically held in January).


  • Shooters will be requested to assist in clean-up and shut down of the range at the end of each match.
  • Safety will be the overriding and primary consideration in the resolution of all issues.
  • Compliance with all SRGC rules and regulations required
  • Range Masters must be SRGC members
  • Assistance and guidance will be available to new shooters, or shooters new to the sport of Bullseye competition, on a "time available" basis.
  • Most importantly - Have fun!

Call Us at 408-873-8255

Email us at info@sgun.org

Physical Address: 11998 Stevens Canyon Road, Cupertino, CA 95014
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2903, Cupertino, CA 95015
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